Trademark Registration

File Trademark to Protect your Brand Name / Logo

'TM' Symbol

This symbol can use with the brand name until your trademark is not registered and the application is in pending status. This is to inform the public of his exclusive claim over the brand. The claim may or may not be valid depending upon the result of trademark registration.

'SM' Symbol

It is also a kind of trademark which Service Mark, but it identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product. For example, you will use TM for a product and SM for a service like housekeeping.

'R' Symbol

This symbol is only applicable for your brand when the mark is being registered and the Certificate of Registration is issued by the Trademark Registrar. Among all the words which are being mentioned above, TM is the most common word which is being used frequently by owners of the brand.

Trademark Registration

Basically, a trademark is a 'brand' or 'logo' that you can use to distinguish your product from those of your competitors. Through trademark registration, you can protect your brand or logo by restricting other people from using the same. For e.g. the logo of NIKE and their tagline JUST DO IT is a registered trademark. It provides them protection as it is illegal to use the same logo or tagline.

Trademark Registration can be done through TaxOSmart in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai & all other Indian cities.

  • What Is Included In Our Package?

    Consultation , Application Preparation, Name Search and Approval, Application Filling, Same day Filling, Government fees

About Trademark Registration

A registered trademark is an intangible asset for a business and is used to protect the company's investment in the brand or symbol. TM number is assigned within a period of three days by Trademark department but it takes almost two years for it to be registered so that you can use the symbol with your brand name. It is always advised to get trademark registration because getting your company registered will not protect your brand against those who might initiate using identical or similar marks.

Advantages Of Trademark Registration

Legal Protection

You become the legal owner of the registered trademark and no another person has the right to use your registered trademark without your prior permission. No action can be taken against a 2nd party if the trademark is not registered with the government. The registered trademark holder can take some legal action against anyone who tries to copy the trademark with any prior permission

Unique Identity

One of the best qualities of trademark registration is that it helps you to establish a unique identity of your company. And no other competitor can apply or use your trademark for similar goods or services.

Creation of Asset

Registered trademark can act as an asset as the owner of the trademark can easily sell, franchise or allow it on the contract basis to another party. It creates a kind of intellectual property for the same.

Trust or Goodwill

As registered trademark brings the uniqueness to your product, it can easily create a sense of trust, goodwill and quality in the minds of your customer.

Popularise your brand

Registered trademark is easily searchable as it is available in government trademark database. It also helps you to get popular among people which are a great sign for your company.

Access to tenders:

There are multiple government tenders which are open only to MSMEs to promote small business participation in the India.

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