Patent Registration

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Patent Registration

A Patent registration helps in getting an intellectual property right to an invention carried out by an individual or firm. IP department has been initiated by Indian government to grant you the full right to register your invention under patent (but only if it is unique). In return the inventor must produce all the proofs related to the invention as asked by the government. It also ensures that owner gets more preference over other person for your particular invention. In India, Patent is being governed by the Patent Act 1970 & Patent Rules 1972.

  • What Is Included In Our Package?

    Government Registration Fees , Application Preparation, Obtain MSME Certificate

What Is Included In Our Package?

Prior Art Search

Application Filing

Application Drafting

Government Fees

Why Patent Registration?

Get Royalty by licensing your patent

Protection For a period of 20 Years In India

you can then Utilize your Invention Yourself

Steps For Patent Application

Step 1: Patent search-

A thorough search is performed for all the existing inventions on the idea that you are trying to patent. If there is a patent already on the idea you are considering, than patent is not granted. Patent search saves you from the effort of going through the year long registration process. You can stop if the patent is already registered.

Step 2: Patent domicile-

Patent which are registered in India is only valid for India. It protects your invention in India only and does not apply to other countries. There is the possibility to protect your invention in other countries as well. For same, you need to apply for a separate application in each country.

Step 3: File Patent application-

The Patent office of the Indian government reviews your patent application. There check for any existing patents granted on similar idea. If they find the invention unique and patentable, then they grant patent for the application.

Step 5: Patent Grant-

Once the patent is granted, the application status is updated online at the Patent site. It can take from 6 months to even 1.5 year for a patent certificate to be granted.

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